Living Here
Considering a Relocation to Battle Lake?
You’ve picked the right place! From our award winning, Blue Ribbon school to our close proximity to a diverse job market, to quality housing, and a family-oriented community, we can serve your needs. Battle Lake is protected by a fully-staffed Police Department, volunteer Fire Department and volunteer First Responders. You’ll find access to your medical needs through dental, chiropractic, medical and pharmaceutical facilities found throughout the community. You’ll find additional service-type businesses, restaurants and retail establishments scattered through out the community in abundance. For those residents that like to volunteer and love to network, we have several organizations to suit your needs.
For more information:
Battle Lake Public School: http://battlelake.k12.mn.us/
Interested in purchasing a home?
Contact one of our local realtors:
Find your perfect job in Battle Lake or Otter Tail County: