ADMINISTRATION / 108 MAIN STREET EAST, PO BOX 386, BATTLE LAKE, MN 56515-0386 (218-864-0424)
The City Administrative Office is located at 108 Main Street East and is open to the public from 9 AM to 4 PM Monday through Friday. This Office, staffed by Clerk-Treasurer/Economic Development Director/Zoning Officer, Val Martin; Deputy Clerk/Treasurer, Karalee Brandner and a part-time Clerical Assistant, Tami Olson is responsible for the following:
City Code of Ordinances
City Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes
Official City Seal
Notary Public
Records Management
Election Administration
- Financial Administration
Financial Statements
Bond Administration
Special Assessment Administration
TIF Administration
Grant Administration
Business Licenses
Animal Licenses
ATV & Golf Cart Permits
- Municipal Liquor Store Administration
Park Shelter Schedules
Special Event Permits
Personnel Administration for all City Departments
Health & Dental Insurances
Public Employees Retirement
NCPERS Life Insurance
Comp Worth Pay Equity Reporting
Leave Time Reporting
OSHA Reporting
Employee Health and Safety Program
Workers Comp Reporting
Personnel Polices