The Battle Lake Airport is located on Otter Tail County Highway 89 just north from the corner of Lake Shore Drive and North Shore Drive. As a private airport, the Battle Lake Airport receives no funding from outside agencies and is supported wholly from property tax revenues along with lease payments from those pilots who have constructed hangars on the airport property.
No landing fees are charged at this time, however parking of vehicles for more than 24 hours require a permit which can be obtained at the City Administrative Office at 108 Main Street East in Battle Lake. (office hours are from 9am to 4pm weekdays)
Airport rules and regulations can be found in Chapter 91 of the City Codes.
The Airport is open to use by private aircraft from May 1 to November 1, with permission required prior to landing. Airport Manager, Trevor Meece, can be reached at 218.864.0424 or at publicworks@battlelakemn.org
Further information on the Battle Lake Airport can be found at www.airnav.com/airport/00MN