The Public Works Department is headed by Public Works Superintendent, Trevor Meece and is responsible for the maintenance of City Hall, the municipal Liquor Store, the City Shop, various municipal utility buildings, streets and improved alleys, storm drain systems, city parks, vehicles, equipment and the Battle Lake Airport.
The Public Works Department is staffed by two additional full-time employees, Adam Schwartz another employee to be hired soon. Trevor is licensed by the State of Minnesota as Water/Wastewater Operators. You can contact Public Works Department staff by calling the City Administrative Office at 218-864-0424 between 8 am and 4:30 pm Monday through Friday. For emergency situations, you should call 911 or call the Emergency Gas Line: 218-862-5550.
e-mail contact: publicworks@battlelakemn.org
Phone: 218-864-0424
Emergency Line for Natural Gas: 218-862-5550
The Public Works Department also manages the water storage and distribution systems as well as the Wastewater collection and treatment systems that comprise the City's Public Utility operations. They are responsible for reading meters and maintaining wells, lift stations, the water tower and the wastewater treatment ponds at the City Farm.
Nearly all of Minnesota’s public water supply systems rely on groundwater as their source of drinking water. In Minnesota, a community public water system relying on groundwater as their water source is required under Federal and State legislation to develop a “Wellhead Protection Plan.”
The goal of a Wellhead Protection Plan is to prevent drinking water from becoming polluted by managing possible sources of contamination in the area which supplies water to city wells. Protecting and keeping our groundwater clean and free of contaminants costs much less than the cost to treat and remove them from our drinking water! The Minnesota Department of Health is the State Agency responsible for administering the Wellhead Protection Program. Minnesota Rural Water Association works closely with communities in both developing and implementing Wellhead Protection plans.
The City of Battle Lake is currently working with citizens, local resource staff and landowners to create awareness about where our drinking water comes from and to promote land use practices that protect the aquifer used by city wells.
Examples of contamination sources: Septic Tank; Pesticides and Fertilizers; Feed Lot, Manure; Fuel, Chemical Storage; City Runoff; Dumps, Hazardous Waste; Unused Well; Underground Gas Tank; Road Run-Off
The City will be doing a variety of on-going education and outreach efforts in the community as part of implementing the Wellhead Protection Plan.
Contact the City (218.864.0424; email publicworks@battlelakemn.org or cityclerk@battlelakemn.org for specific information on wellhead protection.
1. MN Dept. of Health: http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/eh/water/swp/
Action strategies have been developed to protect the drinking water supply of your community and are identified in Part II of the City of Battle Lake Wellhead Protection (WHP) Plan. Steps to implementing a WHP Plan include:
water supplies.
What can you do to help protect our drinking water?